Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long time no chat

Well,it's been a while since I posted, but I have good news to share!  I'm 26.6 lbs lighter than I was about a year ago.  I think I'll make maintenance by my birthday, which is my goal.  To make maintenance, I need to lose 8lbs.  Very, very doable, especially with the recent progress.

I've also started training for a new goal- triathlon!  Erin and I picked one out months ago, and now it's time to train for that baby.  I started a week late because preparing for grad school orals took a bit more time than I expected, leaving NO time for anything else.  Now, I'm still knee deep in studying, but I am able to fit in the gym. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I really need to get some outside runs in.  We'll see. :) That 100 degree weather tries my patience and my asthma! lol.

Monday, April 25, 2011

it's official!

It's official! I'm 26 lbs down according to Weight Watchers! There's always a discrepancy between my daily weigh-in and the WW official weigh-in, so I'm 28.5 lbs according to my calculations, 26 lbs according to theirs. The reason I'm showing you my keys is that we get a key-chain for the big milestones. The bronze thing with the star on it you receive when you lose your first 10%. The gold hands you receive after your 16th meeting, and the silver circle (or washer) you receive for every 25 lbs you lose. (On a side note, the other keychains include the Chicago keychain that celebrates my favorite city besides A-town, and the bling ring is the ALCS replica ring my Texas Rangers gave to their fans!)
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Zoo Run 2011!

We (Vicky, Erin, Peter, and I) ran the Zoo Run today! It was a great day for running. I started out really strong, but about midway through started having trouble with a stitch in my side and having trouble breathing. I looked at my time on my Nike+ and realized I wasn't going to make my under 40 min goal. So, I basically just stopped trying. See that really low point? That was there. Then, I turned a corner and saw a group of cheerleaders (not real ones, just people cheering) with signs. One of the signs said something like Just for today, you're my hero. It was just the thing I needed to hear and really lifted my spirits, which led to the really fast time right at the end! I finished fairly strong! I crossed the finish line and realized that I hadn't screwed up nearly as bad as I thought- in fact, had I run just a little bit more I would have made my goal! (The chip- my official time- said 40 min, 12 seconds.) So, I feel good today, but I've learned I need to get out of my head a bit more. I keep beating myself up because there's so many people faster and stronger and better than me. I need to remember it's not about them. In this case, it's about me! :)

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

stressed, but trying to deny the desserts...

Well, thanks to the running and the increase in water consumption, the scale's finally moving my way!  But, unfortunately, the stress is increasing.  How do you stay on track when life is insane?  I'm making great progress, but all I want to eat is junk.  It's just a hard battle, and I don't know the answer.   Any ideas, people? :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well, the stress came back with a vengeance today, so I thought some retail therapy would help.  Not so much.  I watched my boyfriend's softball game, but, although it was enjoyable, I still couldn't shake the stress.  I finally gave up and went to the gym for another run.  It really helped! I'm trying to keep my gym bag packed from now until testing is over, because I think it's just the best medicine for me right now! :)

Monday April 11th- a good day!

We're two weeks away from state testing, and with it comes a lot more stress than normal.  But, I'm determined not to follow the same pattern of "eat like crap in April bc of state testing".  It just doesn't make me feel any better.  So, I went to weight watchers and weighed in.  I hadn't been to a meeting in over a month.  I was horrified!  I can't believe I was away that long.  But, I lost two pounds during that month, so although it wasn't off the charts, I'm glad I was still losing while I was away.  After that, I ate a quick dinner and headed to the gym.  I did 10 miles on the bike on an Alpine hill program, and then went straight into a run on the treadmill.  I only did one mile, but I pushed myself pretty hard during that mile, which actually felt pretty good.  My speed seems to be increasing as I've picked up the running pace.

I wrapped up the evening with a yoga class which really helped ease my stress level.  I just love yoga- I need to do it more!

Two hours in the gym is a bit excessive in my opinion, but at this point, two weeks from testing, it really felt like the best way to spend my time.  I'm so glad I went!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday's run

This was my next run, this time on the treadmill.  As you can tell, I'm much faster on that thing! :)  I was running late for a class that evening, so I couldn't do much.  I did what I could, though, and was pretty proud of the results. I'm still not fast, but I'm faster when it's on the treadmill! Now, if only I can do this outside, too!